
Web App on cloud

Time share property Easy way to manage track and handle Property / units for all Customer depend on user access right can handle all payment and Track Yearly details for Customer and generate repots.

Online Payment App

Web base application for Online payment for Customer and manage there own account by login access. Easy way payment collection

Web Application

Time Management Web Application for Customer Property handle all Units in multiple location to mange Track Receipt and Maintenance in Yearly basic for all property and Reports

Web Application on Cloud

Time Management Web Application for Customer Property handle all Units in multiple location to mange Track Receipt and Maintenance in Yearly basic for all property and Reports

Cloud Application in Desktop

Access any part of world the web application for all user Create Contract , Installment , Maintenance Receipt and Yearly track record the Units sold and on Maintenance

Web Application Desktop

Developed Application version on Desktop Customized as per required by the Customer. Create Contract Receipt and Maintenance Receipt and Yearly Unit Tracking system

Microsoft CRM

ICC worldwide office has integrated Microsoft CRM for all user across the Globe, Implementation and integration & Support from ABS

MSCRM Implementation

Installation , implementation and intergration of Microsoft CRM on Premise with Database server and Backup solution procedure.

Communication System

Implemented new Cisco Communication setup newly integrated for Telephone system PBX Asterisk Server office in DMC

Hardware Support

Supported all Hardware Software , Backup Solution and Networking to entire office in Dubai support all daily issue with users to resolve at most priority

Microsft CRM Integration

Created entire Hardware Networking and Application setup on Autodesk Premises in Dubai, and implement Application and Database for Microsoft CRM and trained all Staff MSCRM App

Software Asset Management

Tracked all the Software installed in entire Organization including Branches which is related to Microsoft the lead we get from Microsoft for License and we issue a report to Microsoft and to Customer

Symantec Renewal Centre

We where the Authorized service provider to all Symantec Customer for renewal of existing and new Antivirus. we Support all Symantec Products integration and updating in License

Microsoft CRM Implentation

SME - ABS implemented MSCRM on premises on there Server with all Hardware and Software including Networking setup and Trained all Staff the functionality of CRM and supported Application and Database on daily basis and Backup procedure on Local Servers..

Microsoft CRM

SHS - ABS Implemented MSCRM at Sharjah Main Office and walkthroug all modules in CRM and Trained all staff the functionality.

Annual Maintenance Contract

DREB - ABS handled all IT stuff including ( Server / Routers /Switches / PBX Telephone system / Printers Access Control System / Backup system & manage web design and Domain renewal MS365 Email Exchange servers

Services, Products & Application offered